Diversity has become a central issue in most societies around the world. Building inclusive societies where everyone counts and feels recognized with no discrimination is indispensable for peace and development.
Connecters for Peace, an international NGO recently created by The Global Compass, organized a webinar on 21st May on the occasion of UNESCO World Day for cultural diversity. Among the panelists, representatives of UNESCO, Government, University, NGO and private sector explained « Why Diversity Matters » and how they contribute from their own perspective to SDG 16 to promote inclusive and peaceful societies.
Participants from more than 30 countreies around the world were given an opportunity to engage with the panelists and to share their own views and experience.
The panelists were the following : UNESCO Secretary of the Convention on Diversity Toussaint Tiendrebeogo ; Anar KARIMOV Minister of Culture of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the task force Baku Process ; Yanqiu ZHANG Vice
Dean, Institute for a Community with Shared Future, Communication University of China Beijing ; Peter MOUSAFERIADIS Founder Cultural Infusion and Diversity Atlas (Australia) and Michael SHUMANN, CEO Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade (Germany). They shared their vision of diversity as a driver for peace and developpement. The moderator Jean-Christophe Bas, CEO and founder Connecters for Peace said in his opening speech “Our goal is to bring together today a large and diverse audience from all parts of the world and to contribute to a global movement to embrace Diversity and understanding among cultures”
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